Type: Dynamics
So, I've got to be forthcoming about this: I'm not really into compressors or limiters as effects, especially live. I use them, studio-wise, for a few applications, here and there, but I really try to avoid dynamic processing for the most part. Blasphemy, I know.
However, I do have a few of these devices around, mostly for single and specific purposes. I have limiter for the bass guitar, because sometimes I like that hard-comp sound on picked basslines (slap & pop isn't an issue-- I never play that way). I like the sustain of some guitar-style compressors, and I will sometimes have some use for the "note that lasts forever" kind of slow-release compressor.
Finally, I am a firm believer in my pedalboard compressor, which I use for a quick attack kind of sound, and also tames my dynamics and lowers my volume a touch (that's how I keep it set) going into the distortion section-- it ups my sustain for my fuzz, allows me to do more dramatic swell effects, and sort of tames the heavy crunch in my rhythm channel, getting me as close to a "jangly guitar sound" as I can get with a tenor bass. Even then, it gets used sparingly.
So... I own a few of these things, each for their specific purpose.
Dynamics Pedals
Guyatone BL2 Bottom Limiter
Jacques Fat Burner
Digitech Main Squeeze
Alesis Smashup
Guyatone SV2 Slow Volume